Places we've been

Thursday 6 December 2012


After leaving Ballarat we drove the 270km to Jeparit where Jim grew up.  Many people that Jim grew up with have moved on as Jeparit has struggled as a town,  but we caught up with some old school friends Wendy Preston, Teresa Moore and Barry Werner as well as David and Marie Livingston, long time friends of Jim’s parents. We visited the Pioneer’s Museum which is full of old historical items from the region including Buildings, machinery and household items.
We also put in some yabby pots and were mildly successful. The boys loved the freedom that Jeparit brings, riding around the beautiful Wimmera River. Jim made the boys ride the 5km out to the weir on Tuesday. On Wednesday Jordy rode out there twice and Kurt once,  enjoying a bit of space in safe surroundings. Jeparit was a great place to grow up but sadly the town is in decline due to years of drought, however it’s a great spot to enjoy the simple things in life and relax.

                                                      At Jim's father James Brian's grave.

                                                         Will at the pioneers Museum.

                                           Wimmera River at the Jeparit weir, looking healthy.

                                                                 Yabbies at Jeparit

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