Places we've been

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Daly Waters to Charters Towers

Qo Queensland

The first leg of out epic journey to Queensland saw us complete a 530km drive from Daly Waters to Barkly Homestead. Before long we had left the northern savannah country and into the grasslands and low scrub near Newcastle Waters.  Fuel was going to be steep wherever we went and we topped up at Three Ways for a mere $1.89 which was pretty good compared to the $1.99.9 at Barkly Homestead.  We stayed the night at Barkly Homestead which was a pretty neat and tidy place before heading off to Mt Isa. 
                                                               Lorrikeets at Daly Waters

The 180km to the Qld border was a lot of not much but a good road. Before long we had crossed the border 15km from the small town of Camooweal.  Then onto Mt Isa,  where the country became quite hilly for the last 60km.   Mt Isa is similar to Kalgoorlie in lots of ways, Big mines and the town built around it.  It is a full on industrial town with a huge power station smack in the middle of town and everything looked pretty busy. Being in Queensland there was also lots of rugby shorts and because it is supposed to be cold here at the moment plenty of flannelette and the blokes were similarly dressed.....

On Sunday morning we pushed on to Hughenden 530km away. The surrounding countryside changed from the ragged ranges to prime  grazing country as we passed through Cloncurry and stopped at the lovely town of Julia Creek. The main street looked a treat with undercover parking and murals celebrating the towns history. After Julia Creek we passed through Richmond and saw the Kronosaurus replica.    Finally we reached Hughenden after a long, long  day.

                                                             Julia Creek main street

                                                   Jordy with dinosaur in Richmond

The next morning we  explored  the town, Will and Kurt enjoyed the skate park as well as the town pool with Jordy where they all enjoyed the car tube tyres.  At the tourist centre there was a museum that had the skeleton of a Muttabuttasaurus found down the road at Muttaburra.  The town also had a huge windmill to recognise it’s connections with the Great Artesian Basin which gives the grazing properties a reliable water supply.

                                                        Muttaburrasaurus in Hughenden

                                                      Kurt and cool sculpture in Hughenden.

                                                                 The big windmill.

One must mention the Queensland roads. Don’t believe all of the terrible things you hear about them. Believe about 98% of what you hear. They are very average, but in fairness it is a big state with lots of roads, lots of floods and big road trains which take their toll.
Finally we pushed on to Charters Towers,  an old gold town which reminded us a bit of Ballarat with it’s old buildings and parks.  We decided to spend an extra day in Charters Towers and loved the buildings, the history and the general feel of the place.  Charters Towers left us with the impression that it is a very liveable large country town.  Quite simply it has cheap character housing compared to Albany, good education available – with 3 private boarding schools, cheap beef, cheap diesel, cheap beer, a great climate and barramundi within close reach.  Sounds good! Whilst in the park we discovered an oven, something we have not seen for 10 weeks so Chrissy baked cakes to everybody's delight and we had a roast to finish off our stay.

                                                                  Charters Towers

Stock Exchange Arcade in Charters Towers

We also played a few holes of golf as we were staying next door to the local golf course -  Will attached himself to Jim like a cling-on on the starboard bow (Startrek analogy,)  and mentioned it every 37 seconds for 24 hours until he gave in. Golf was fun, playing five holes in the 33 degree heat on the very nice C-Towers course. Jim showed that he still has it completing the five holes in 14 strokes due to looking for everyone  else’s balls and giving tuition and advice.
New strings for Jordy’s guitar, at last!!!!  American Pie is now sounding sensational.

                                             Inside the Waverley Hotel, a classic Queensland pub.

                                                                        A furry friend

                                        Roast Lamb in Charters Towers, Have oven, will bake.

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